Symptoms & complaints

Muscles & joints

Move pain-free and enjoy your life.

Where do movement complaints come from?

Moving pain-free should come naturaly for everyone. If this isn’t the case thats an indication that your body and nervous system are not in balance. Healthy joints and muscles are needed to move without pain or symptoms. Injuries, physical conditions or overexertion can all make movement difficult. Our chiropractors are experienced in solving all kinds of complaints with muscles and joints.

Symptoms related to muscle or joint pain


Tennis arm


Painful joints


Frozen shoulder


RSI complaints


Muscle pain


Sports injuries


Pelvic complaints


Leg length difference


Osteoarthritis / rheumatism / arthritis complaints

The zone technique is the most powerful treatment for muscle & joint complaints

With more than 40 years of experience in improving the health of thousands of people, we know that the quality of peoples life greatly improves when they are functioning at their very best. At Lifestyle Chiropractic we use the zone technique, a specialized master-level treatment which focuses on the 6 zones of the body. 

Zone 1: The immune & hormonal system (the glands)

Zone 2: The detox system (lungs, kidneys and bladder)

Zone 3: The nervous system

Zone 4: The digestive system

Zone 5: The muscular system

Zone 6: The circulatory system and lymphatic system (heart and vessels)

The 6 zones are connected to each other and are responsible for good health. When all 6 zones are in balance you will feel fit,  energetic and have no muscle and joint complaints anymore. 

Would you like to experience the zone technique yourself?

Ken and Mark are happy to help you. Ken is the first chiropractor in the Netherlands who was certified to practice the zone technique. These experienced chiropractors are ready to help you. Book your  NO CHARGE consultation now.




Client experiences

Happy clients about Lifestyle Chiropractic

"Just do it!"

For months I had been suffering from constant pain in my head, with frequent dizziness. I ended up at Lifestyle Chiropractic through someone else. After about 3 to 4 treatments I noticed that the headache was almost gone! Fantastic! When you walk in you are immediately addressed by your first name and the girls always have a pleasant chat with you, which feels like a warm welcome. And oh yes, such a treatment really doesn't hurt, although it may look like it. It's a nice feeling, as if everything is loosening up again! If you have any doubts, I would say: do it!

"A miracle"

I have been diagnosed with Achalasia type 2, and partly because of this I cannot keep my food down and sleep poorly, etc. I did not want to do a treatment for this before I had completed these sessions. To my great surprise and actually hope, after 4 sessions I noticed that I can keep my food down. Which for me is a miracle and a blessing, Mark is a magician and I am so happy that I came to the practice through someone else. The ladies are also fantastic, always cheerful, good explanations and positive. It's a joy to get there, partly because my life is slowly getting back on track.

Lifestyle Chiropractic

Why you should choose
Lifestyle Chiropractic


No waiting lists


Often the same day appointment


You will be treated by Mark or Ken, chiropractor of the year 2015


Parking available right in front of the door


Consultation in Dutch or English


Exclusively highly educated zone certified chiropractors


Ken is the first chiropractor in the Netherlands to be certified in the zone technique

Lifestyle Chiropractic

Want to know if chiropractic care is for you?

Please contact Jolanda or Kelly